Warren Apel is redefining what it means to flame on the Internet.
For most, flaming means sending electronic hate mail. For Mr. Apel, it
means burning the U.S. flag in cyberspace.
And the Tempe, Ariz., genetic engineer wants others to join him on the
Internet, sparking interest and indignation at the first computer
interactive political protest. Mr. Apel put his protest on the World Wide
Web, a magazine-like section of the Internet, the international network of
"Get out your Zippos, it's The Flag-Burning Page!" reads the headline of
the first in a set of pages he designed. He made them to protest a proposed
constitutional amendment to prohibit desecrating Old Glory,he said.
Internet users who access the page can click on a picture of a waving flag
or the phrase "Burn, baby, burn," to receive the first of three images of a
burning flag. With the images there are sarcastic comments such as: "Well,
now you did it. She's blazing and Newt's (Gingrich) not gonna like it," and
"Don't stop now. Who brought the marshmallows?"
But Mr. Gingrich, the speaker of the House of Representatives and a vocal
opponent of flag-burning, isn't the only one who doesn't like flag burning.
"I don't believe what I'm looking at," said Jeff Williams of Pullman,
Wash., as he accessed the page on his computer. "Just the name of the page
I find offensive." Mr. Williams runs the Conservative Link, an index of
sites on the World Wide Web for political conservatives.
There is a difference, however, between a virtual act and the real thing,
said Rep. Sam Johnson, R-Dallas, who supports the proposed amendment.
For years, the Internet and commercial on-line services have been a hotbed
for political organizers to rally people to their causes, both liberal and
conservative. Debates over hot-button issues fill electronic discussion
groups, and newsletters keep like-minded people up to date.
Until now, most of the political activism was confined to electronic
petitions, collections of E-mail signatures that were eventually printed
out and presented to politicians.
But Mr. Apel tapped a new approach, staging a protest on-line. He said he
did it to spark debate after reading about a constitutional amendment
proposed by Rep. Gerald Solomon, R-N.Y., and backed by several of Mr.
Apel's area representatives.
The issue has been a recurring proposal since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled
that Dallas police violated a protester's civil rights when they arrested
him for burning the flag outside the 1984 Republican Convention.
"I was thinking I ought to protest the amendment somehow," Mr. Apel said.
"I could go down to the state capitol and burn a flag. But usually when
people do that they use the wrong kind of flag, so it just melts rather
than burns, and they end up looking really stupid."
"Besides, taking a tongue-in-cheek approach to politics is a good way to
make the debate a little more open," he said. "If you come out ranting and
raving, people don't take you too seriously."
Mr. Apel has made pages for the World Wide Web for nearly a year. Most of
them have been related to the music scene in Tempe or to poetry, he said.
Using Internet access and programs called browsers, people receive
full-screens of text and pictures from computers around the world, linked
like a web. By clicking a mouse on highlighted sections of a page they
receive additional information and pictures.
In less than an hour, Mr. Apel cobbled together The Flag Burning Page
(http://www.indirect.com/ user/warren/flag). Beyond burning the flag,
he included an explanation of why he created the page and a chance for
others to leave their thoughts, pro or con.
"I would imagine that there are people who are going to be very opposed to
this," he said. "I welcome the debate."
He was right. One person left a message calling him a "cultural Nazi."
"How much would you like to bet that you really don't support the idea of
'freedom of expression' and that you are really just a cultural anarchist?"
wrote another visitor.
"How about as a test you set up a virtual burning of a Star of David," the
same visitor wrote. "You wouldn't do that because your support of
'violence' against the signs and symbols of culture and civilization is
Bill McBride isn't too happy about the page either. He's the creator of
the Vietnam Veteran's Home Page on the Web (http://grunt.
"It's a visceral issue. He's probably going to get some sympathy for this
page. But he's bound to get a lot of flames (E-mail complaints)," said the
San Antonio veteran.
But both Mr. McBride and Mr. Williams credit Mr. Apel for finding a new
use for the Web.
"He could have posted just a series of pages with his thoughts, but it
wouldn't have the same effect," Mr. Williams said. "It sure does create an
impact, I'll give him that much. And it will spark debate."
In fact readers of the Conservative Link (http://www.moscow
.com/~bmdesign/tcl/conintro.html) will have an on-screen button that takes
them directly to The Flag Burning Page, Mr. Williams said.
"I think they'd be interested to see and will certainly have something to
say," he said.
Similarly, students and alumni from Texas A&M University could have a word
or two for Mr. Apel.
A tag line on the protest page notes: "No actual flags were harmed in the
production of this page."
Instead, Mr. Apel combined pictures of a flag with pictures of flames
borrowed from photos of the Aggies' annual bonfire preceding the A&M vs.
University of Texas football game.
"I needed big flames, and the pictures they put on the Web of their
bonfire were perfect," Mr. Apel said.
Said A&M spokeswoman Mary Jo Powell: "That's a cruel irony. Knowing the
feelings our students have for both the bonfire and flags, I'm certain a
segment of our students won't be happy to hear that."
"A computer simulated version of a flag burning, although it is just as
deplorable, cannot be treated the same as the act of desecrating an actual
flag," he said.
The URL in this article was correct at the time. The pages have since moved to
my new domain of www.esquilax.com. -- Warren